Inspired by Wisdom.

Rooted in Science.

Therapy for Seekers

You’re curious, open-minded, creative, and maybe a bit more burdened than average.

You’ve created a life for yourself, but something is missing. Is it creativity, ease, connection, community, spirituality? Maybe what’s missing isn’t clear.

You may be in the midst of some intense suffering or upheaval at the moment, or the long march of small difficulties have caught up to you.

You’re feeling stuck, but it’s certainly not from lack of trying or working on it, but things just haven’t shifted in the way you hoped.

We can help.

Rooted in Science.

The personal growth and wellness industry is rife with wild claims, charismatic influencers, and the latest fads — whatever the “goji berry” of the moment is for mental health. Diving into it without guidance can often be confusing and, at worst, harmful. We ground our clinical practice in scientifically validated methods of alleviating human suffering that have been extensively studied and reviewed. First and foremost, we focus on the unique needs of each person and develop a strong, supportive, safe relationship between the therapist and the patient. Next, we develop a treatment based on your specific needs, goals, and strengths to help you make tangible, meaningful shifts in the areas of your life that you really care about.

Learn more about the science and research behind our practice.


/teläs/ noun

The ultimate purpose or aim. The innate potential within fully realized, given the right conditions. Just as an acorn contains the Telos of an Oak tree, we each contain the unique Telos of our mature, creative, awakened Selves.

Inspired by Wisdom

The danger, however, of an overly clinical approach to therapy is to lose the wisdom of the ages. Human beings figured out ways to deal long before Freud. Tools like meditation, expanded states of consciousness, spiritual practices, and healing the body have been part of humanity’s way of dealing with suffering since we were walking upright. We believe in integrating ancient practices and ideas into a modern paradigm, but in a way that’s unique to you, allowing you to feel connected to your life in new ways. For some, this might be as simple as reflecting deeply on what your life means, for others it may mean meditation or developing a spiritual practice, and for others still it might involve explorations into consciousness.

Learn more about the traditions that inspire us.

Areas of Expertise

Book a call today.

It’s critical that your therapist and their style is a good match for what you. If what you’ve read clicks with you, please reach out and we’ll schedule a free 20 minute consultation call with you. This will help you get a feel for us, the way we work, and where to go next. If we aren’t the right match, we’ll give you some recommendations and suggestions.