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  • Not directly. However, all sessions with Dr. T can be submitted as an “out-of-network provider” for reimbursement. Some insurance companies reimburse well after your deductible has been met, but you have to check with your specific plan.

    Sessions with Francis are not eligible for reimbursement.

    Some people defray the cost of therapy by utilizing their HSA.

  • Just reach out. We’ll schedule a free 20 minute phone call with you to see if it feels like a good match for your needs and then we’ll go from there.

  • Because the therapy we do is highly person specific, we work with a very wide range of diagnosis. We are much more focused on the individual, the rapport we have, and your specific goals than your diagnosis. If medication or psychiatric consult is appropriate, we will help you make that connection.

  • This varies widely and depends on your history, goals, and hopes for therapy. Most people begin to experience relief from what brought them in relatively quickly, often within a few weeks or months. However, shifting longer-term, deeper patterns often takes much longer. You should continue to check-in with yourself and your therapist about whether you feel therapy is helping and, if not, address it directly with us. We’ll also be monitoring your progress and will be proactive and concerned if it looks like things aren’t moving.

Frequently Asked Questions