About Dr. T.

In Celtic sprituality there is a concept called “Geisa” which roughly translates to curse/blessing. I’ve often felt that my Geisa in life is to be a seeker. Early in my life, I went through some unlucky times but was lucky enough to find therapy. This set me up on a life-long path of voracious learning about psychotherapy, spirituality, personal growth, and the examine life.

Now, I regularly teach about therapy, offer consultation and supervision to other therapists, and pursue my own development as a therapist and person just trying to make it in the world. In parallel, I’ve explored a huge variety of spiritual approaches and practices. I’ve lived in a Zen center, spent about 40+ days in silent meditation retreat, attended shamanic workshops and medicine work, and many others. If you’re interested in some sort of personal growth model, there’s a decent chance I’ve dabbled in it and, if not, it’s a sure bet I’m interested in and curious about it.

My Approach

People who work with me often note my directness, warmth, humor, and balance of depth and practicality in approaching problems.

If you’d like to work with me, first we’ll focus on building a relationship that feels natural, safe, open, and collaborative. I’ll share my thoughts about my understanding of what’s getting in your way and explore how we might best work together to get where you want to go. I pay close attention to how therapy is going, both in terms of how comfortable you feel with me and whether you’re making the progress you want. If things aren’t moving, we’ll talk about it and explore what else might be needed. You may find there’s more to laugh about than you expected.

I tailor my approach to each person I work with and happy to talk about what you think you’ll need in therapy. With some people I’m a coach, with other people a secret-keeper, with others a cheerleader. If you’re interested in finding out if we might work well together, drop me a note and we’ll schedule a free 20 minute call to see if it’s a good fit.